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I'm a former public servant who retired and switched from writing memos and assorted legal mumbo jumbo to more personal prose, both fiction and non-fiction.
My work has appeared in on-line and print publications, including my hometown paper, "The Buffalo News".


Click on the WORKS button above to find links to some of these pieces, most of which are free to access.
The motivation to begin writing in earnest arose from two things: the support of my wife, Camille, and an illness that left me housebound.
In 2010, the emphysema that ran in my family finally caught up to me, and my world began to shrink. Soon I found myself tethered to an oxygen tank 24/7 and unable to do any but the most mundane physical tasks.
One thing that I could do was sit at the keyboard, and with Camille's encouragement, I began to write. And write. And write some more.
Now here I am, with three novels, a novella and a couple dozen short stories and essays to my name.
In the meantime, my personal story had a happy ending when, in 2015, I received a single lung transplant.  Now I'm back to shoveling snow (a required activity here in Western New York) and doing so many other things that I never imagined I could.
I owe it all to Camille, who supported me through a very long and perilous transplant journey, and more importantly, to the family of the man whose lung now resides within me. It was their courage and compassion (along with the skilled staff of the Cleveland Clinic) that resulted in the organ transplant that saved my life.
If you're not already a designated organ donor, please consider doing so today.